- 4-Hour School Day, The: Wilson, Durenda
- 5 Minute Devotions for the Homeschool Mom - Nahid, Tina
- 8 Great Smarts for Homeschoolers: Hollenbeck, Tina
- Age of Opportunity - Tripp, Paul David
- Answers for Homeschooling: Top 25 Questions Critics Ask - Wayne, Israel
- Art of Self-Directed Learning, The - Boles, Blake
- Better Late Than Early - Moore, Raymond S. and Dorothy N. Moore
- Beyond Survival: A Guide to Abundant Life Homeschooling - Waring, Diana
- Biblical Home Education, A - Beechick, Ruth
- Big Book of Unschooling - Dodd, Sandra
- Bucking the System - Boonstra, Marisa
- Called Home - DeBeus, Karen
- Charlotte Mason Companion, A - Andreola, Karen
- Charlotte Mason Series - Ambleside Online
- Christian Unschooling - Brown, Teri J.
- Chucking College - Ellison, Melanie
- Consider This: Charlotte Mason and the Classical Tradition - Glass, Karen
- Courtship in Crisis - Umstattd, Thomas
- Dumbing Us Down - Gatto, John Taylor
- Educating the WholeHearted Child - Clarkson, Clay and Sally
- Education: Does God Have an Opinion? - Wayne, Israel
- Encouragement Along the Way - Howard, Bobbie
- For the Children's Sake - Macaulay, Susan Schaeffer
- God Schooling - Polanco, Julie
- Guerrilla Learning - Llewellyn, Grace
- Heartfelt Discipline - Clarkson, Clay
- Help! I'm Married to a Homeschooling Mom - Wilson, Todd
- Home Grown Kids - Moore, Raymond S. and Dorothy N. Moore
- Home-Spun Schools - Moore, Raymond S. and Dorothy N. Moore
- Home School Heroes - Klicka, Chris
- Homeschool: An American History - Gaither, Milton
- Homeschool Bravely - Erickson, Jamie
- Homeschool Experiment, The - Hawkins, Charity
- Homeschooled Teens - Patterson, Sue
- Homeschooling in America - Murphy, Joseph
- Homeschooling in New View - Cooper, Bruce S.
- Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit - Maxwell, Teri
- How Children Fail - Holt, John
- How Children Learn - Holt, John
- How to Opt Out (Not Drop Out) of School - Nielsen, Lisa
- Indoctrination - Gunn, Colin & Joaquin Fernandez
- Joy of Relationship Homeschooling, The - Campbell, Karen
- Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe - Wilson, Todd
- Love the Journey - Somerville, Marcia
- Minimalist Homeschooling - Fagen, Zara
- Mother Culture for a Happy Homeschool - Andreola, Karen
- No More Perfect Moms - Savage, Jill
- One Hundred and One Devotions for Homeschool Moms - Wellwood, Jackie
- Pocketful of Pinecones - Andreola, Karen
- Read-Aloud Family, The - Mackenzie, Sarah
- School Can Wait - Moore, Raymond S. and Dorothy N. Moore
- School is Where the Home Is - Mellott, Anita
- Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+La - Shelton, Barbara
- Teach Your Own - Holt, John
- Teaching from Rest - Mackenzie, Sarah
- Teenage Liberation Handbook, The - Llewellyn, Grace
- Three R's, The - Beechick, Ruth
- Think Outside the Classroom - Crawford, Kelly
- Underground History of American Education, The - Gatto, John Taylor *
- Unhurried Homeschooler, The - Wilson, Durenda
- Unschooling Rules - Aldrich, Clark
- Weapons of Mass Instruction - Gatto, John Taylor
- When You Rise Up: A Covenantal Approach to Homeschooling - Sproul, R.C. Jr.
* NOTE: If you cannot acquire a bound copy of The Underground History of American Education, consider downloading and printing the full text HERE, which the author has made available since the book is now out of print. It is well worth the cost of paper, ink, and binding!