More and more homeschooling parents see the value in their teens pursuing alternative post-secondary paths - i.e., rather than enrolling directly into a traditional college, especially four-year college, right after high school. With that in mind - and specifically at the request of some of The Roadmap's most faithful supporters - we have created this list of "gap year" programs. The list is not comprehensive, so feel free to contact us if you know of other programs we can add. Please also know that, while we heard of these programs from fellow homeschooling parents, we have not fully vetted each one; therefore, it is incumbent upon you to research them more thoroughly before considering any of them for your young adult child.
- Academy of Arts, The
- Adventures in Missions (multiple national and international locations)
- Arrowhead Bible College
- Bridge Gospel Academy (Camp Alacca)
- Camp Eagle Adventure Camps
- Camp-of-the-Woods
- Charis Bible College
- Cornerstone Work & Worldview Institute
- Cub Creek Science Camp
- Discover Creation Training Adventure
- EnterMission
- Ethnos360 Bible Institute
- Cornerstone School of Ministry
- EnterMission
- Global U
- Gospel Fellowship Association Missions
- High Desert Center
- Impact 360 Institute
- International ALERT Academy
- Jackson Hole Bible College
- Joshua Wilderness Institute
- Life Action
- Maranatha Baptist Bible Institute
- Miracle Mountain Ranch
- Momentous
- Montana Wilderness School of the Bible
- Nicolet Bible Institute
- Ocean's Edge University
- OneLife Institute
- Pais Movement
- Radius International
- Reformation Bible College
- SALTNEXTGEN Ministries
- Seamester
- Summit Ministries
- Teen Missions International
- Torchbearers International (multiple national and international locations)
- Transition One
- Trinity College of Louisville
- TruNorth
- Verto Education
- World Race
- YWAM (multiple national and international locations)